Thanks to Mark for bringing to our attention that we did not clearly identify the site of the recently built […]
Big thanks to Paul and volunteers for removing litter along the path by Somery Road. Thanks also to Birmingham Parks […]
Hope you are looking forward to joining us on Saturday the 28th of September for our annual walk the line […]
Access ramp completed – Job very well done. Huge thanks to the marvellous volunteers and team leaders from the Waterways […]
Thursday Day 5 Very good progress , side walls completed and starting to add aggregate. For the evening fish and […]
Day 4 and all the posts are concreted in. The two hole borers performed very well, their work is done, […]
Tuesday – Day 3. Starting to take shape. Posts for the right side of the ramp concreted in place and […]
2nd day and good progress made, digging holes for the posts, and concreating the first line of poles in position […]
We are delighted to welcome back the IWA Waterways Recovery Group WRG volunteers with team leader David assisted by Paul. […]
This month’s canal trip was for residents of SENSE in Gough road, the trip was enjoyed by all and includes […]