1 |
Summary of Application
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1476 |
2 |
Overview of application -v3
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1458 |
3 |
Appendix 1 Site location plan v5
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1577 |
4 |
Appendix 2 Site Plan v2
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1599 |
5 |
Appendix 3 Winding hole_
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1476 |
6 |
Appendix 4A 1 Section A 1 V7 - Narrow section
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1491 |
7 |
Appendix 4B 1 Section B 1 V7 - Pinch point
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1493 |
8 |
Appendix 4C Section CC V6 - Copy
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1452 |
9 |
Appendix 4D Winding Hole section V7
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1502 |
10 |
Appendix 5 Plan with Service Path and sections with boats
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1580 |
11 |
Appendix 6 Corner detail
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1443 |
12 |
Landscaping Plan V4
The restoration of the canal is an opportunity to have a wild life corridor as part of the development. The aim of the planting is to re-create wildlife habitat, contributing to a corridor leading from the Worcester-Birmingham Canal to Selly Oak Park.
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1592 |
13 |
Proposed Access gate location looking North
13 January 2018 6:44 PM |
1481 |